Noreen Asekenye



Noreen Asekenye is a social impact storyteller and children’s author living in Uganda. She believes in the power of people owning and telling their stories that’s why she loves to write for the children. Through her books, She wants children to learn about God, an African society, and the universal values we all share, community togetherness, generosity, kindness, love, and compassion.

Books by Noreen Asekenye

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Every day we meet a new person, and when we extend our hands to greet them or say hello, we spread love and show kindness and respect. Every child needs to know this basic skill that helps children make friends and feel more confident in their interactions with other people.

Connect With Elizabeth Waithaka



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Noreen Asekenye
Noreen Asekenye
3 years ago

Thank you Papa Egessa. I am because you are. Not only are you a teacher but a father. I owe this journey to you. You believed in me and pushed me to write. Am so grateful

Egessa Bernard
Egessa Bernard
3 years ago

I love the choice of your title and content. It builds the morals of children and socialized them with society. Such flashbacks are so inspiring!

Writing Journey


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Noreen Asekenye
Noreen Asekenye
3 years ago

Thank you Papa Egessa. I am because you are. Not only are you a teacher but a father. I owe this journey to you. You believed in me and pushed me to write. Am so grateful

Egessa Bernard
Egessa Bernard
3 years ago

I love the choice of your title and content. It builds the morals of children and socialized them with society. Such flashbacks are so inspiring!

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