I vividly remember starting my journey into creative writing at the age of eight. My first attempt was a song that I later realized was akin to a poem. It emerged naturally as I grappled with questions about life and the emotions stirring within me at that tender age.
My mother played a pivotal role in encouraging my writing. When FEMRITE, in partnership with New Vision, announced a free workshop for children, she helped me apply. I was fortunate to be selected and attended not just one, but two workshops. Little did I know then that these early experiences would bear fruit in my adult life. My passion for writing, coupled with a love for reading, grew steadily alongside my studies in Architecture and various entrepreneurial ventures.
Today, I proudly wear the hats of an author and editor, among other roles that define my multipotential self.
Though writing has been a constant in my life, it was only in 2020, thanks to the Harvest Institute, that I finally published my first book, titled THRIVING CREATIVES: A Creative Entrepreneur’s Guide.
Thriving Creatives was born out of a genuine desire to empower creatives worldwide to achieve holistic success. In today’s society, the narrative often suggests that only a select few creatives thrive, perpetuating the stereotype of the struggling artist. Beyond financial hurdles, creatives also grapple with challenges such as identity crises, inadequate technical, business, and social skills, limited access to mentorship, health concerns, and more. This book serves as a practical guide for creatives tired of the struggle, offering essential principles that can transform their creative businesses and personal lives.
In essence, Thriving Creatives aims to equip creatives with the tools they need to thrive, not just survive, in their chosen fields.