Publishers and Book Agents in Africa

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Publishing Friends

Today, we pause to honour and appreciate the remarkable efforts of our publishing partners who are shaping the literary landscape in Africa. Your dedication to authorship, collaboration, and advancing Kingdom projects is truly inspiring.

Are you looking for a publisher for your book or Bible project? Look no further! These incredible publishing houses and leaders are ready to walk the journey with you:

  1. CLC Kenya Authors Collaboration
  2. Rose Birenge, Biblica
  3. Pastor Jesse, Biblica
  4. Verah Dindi, Writers Guild of Kenya
  5. Jackson Njeru, Eternity Publishing Agency
  6. Rose Ssali, Salisbury Publishing House
  7. Tabitha Kihara, Maple Brook Ltd
  8. Truphie Njiru, Fanisi Creations
  9. Must Asubuhi, Wikitabu
  10. Andrew Wommack Ministries

Let us keep the conversations alive, collaborations strong, and efforts united. Together, we will increase the number of books in Africa and amplify our stories to the world.

We celebrate you and your invaluable contribution to African literature.

We honour you today and always!

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