Battling Low Self Esteem Led Bernard Maingi To Authorship And Philanthropy

Power of Believing, which is my second book was born out my struggle with low self-esteem and how much it cost me so many opportunities. My 1st book titled *Living beyond your limits.
I had lots of issues while growing up and so my self esteem was absolutely low even throughout campus life. Therefore this book was instrumental after discovering my self again. Low self esteem is an enemy which can destroy ones life if not rectified.
The book is invaluable for teens and even adults who continuously struggle with self image. Many of our teens are struggling to find their niche, and I believe that this book would greatly help them.
Additionally writing this book led to starting off a program to mentor young boys and girls to find the purpose in life. I believe that purpose and passion are two things that can achieve what no talent or education can achieve.
*Power of Believing* is powerful book for all to read and it can and will transform your life in a great way. Grab it for your son/daughter; it will mentor and help them find their purpose.
Finally above being a motivational speaker, author, mentor, i am absolutely passionate about making difference in people’s life, and currently running a program dubbed feed the poor in the streets as well educating orphaned and vulnerable children. My first batch of six girls and six boys completed campus 2021 and some are already employed.
I live by the mantra that ‘You haven’t life a day till you have done something for someone who cannot repay you back’.
You may find me on my social media handles:
Please leave a comment for me on my book *Power of Believing* and *Power of Forgiveness*
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Maureen Babu
Maureen Babu
2 years ago

First, I love your life mantra! Secondly, thank you for writting these two books on such important issues. Thirdly and most importantly, we thank God for your overcoming story – so powerful and inspirational! Continue soaring higher!

JoyHope Kang'ang'i
2 years ago

This is great inspiration to anyone battling with low-self esteem. So happy that you overcame and are inspiring others to embrace greatness and not miss out on great opportunities. Keep the inspiration coming.

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