My writing journey began while in school. My handwriting was not what I wanted but my teachers liked my compositions. However, it was while i was studying in the university when i got the idea to write a book. I did some research and the professors liked it.
My book is not only a new one but it’s my first one. It was born out of what God did in Kenya between 2011 and 2012 – the dedication of our 47 counties and of our nation to God. I felt led to capture it in writing.
I began to see Kenya in Zephaniah 3:10 and knew it was being fulfilled. I also desired to trace the prophetic workings of God in Kenya and the unfolding history thereof.
After researching out of “divine curiosity” and  receiving divine insights, I began noting down what I was learning. Finally, I was invited for a TV interview on Kenya’s divine destiny and the presenter encouraged me to complete the book, then Bernard Maingi gave the “final push” and follow up and now the book is done, by God’s grace.
The book is about to be printed again due to an update after the test print. Orders can be made by personal message. The book will also be available initially at United Bible Societies building, at our church office 2nd Floor, United Bible Societies building, on Ndemi Rd off Ngong Rd, Nairobi.
By God’s grace we stand in faith for our nation.
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