We know many quotes from famous secular authors and several international Christian authors. What memorable quotes are coming from Africa? They are there but may not be documented – join the documentation efforts.
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There are 10 categories submitted between November 2020 and November 2023.

A Message from Outgoing 2021 ACABA Authors’ Administrator, Jackline Ingasian (Pioneering)
My name is Jackline Ingasian, Programs Coordinator at CLC Kenya, and the Secretary of African Christian Authors Book Awards( ACABA). My experience in being the Secretary for ACABA 2021 has been that of growth through every assignment brought my way, engaging the authors not just in them submitting their books…

A Message from Incoming 2022 ACABA Authors’ Administrator, Helen Matarimo (To the next level)
Am summoned as Helen Matarimo, also associated as a daughter, a mother, a friend, a colleague and most importantly a seeker of my Source, Creator, popularly known as God. I easily recline towards introversion but writing gives me a chance to boldly explore a state of extroversion that I would…
Quote By David Oyedepo from the book COMMANDING THE SUPERNATURAL
” Everybody who is born again is born a sign”
Quotes By Dag Heward Mills from the book HOW TO BECOME AN ANOINTED PASTOR
” If you want to teach the word, you need an anointing”
“There are people who desire the anointing but never get it. It is because they are not able to pass through these tests. The steps are filters, which differentiate between the receivers and all others”
Quote By Joseph Ayo Babalola from the book POWER OF APOSTOLIC MINISTRY
“Despite the importance attached to being born again in modern evangelical Christianity, it’s import seems to be lost in established church systems”
Quote By Moses Mukisa from the book Straight Forward Financial Growth
” We also see that we become heirs according to the promise. Which promise is this? That is the promise to Abraham. Now, when we see what the promise to Abraham and to his seed was, we’ll understand why we need serious financial resources to effect it.”
Quote By Lillian Barbra Nabwire from the book THOUGHFUL PATHS
“Writing this book is a testimony of faith. As a person with a science background, writing is not something that I envisaged doing. By nature, I prefer to summarise everything I do. I pushed myself to believe that I could write a book.”
‘The greatest adventure that you will ever embark on is the journey of finding the true you where you seek to discover your authentic self’
From Sheila Toya- Finding the True you
‘The greatest source of human joy and pain is found in the drama of love and relationships.’
From Allan & Kathy Kiuna- Marriage Works
‘I allowed myself to go through the motions but I didn’t get submerged in those moments’
From Diana Wangeshi- Despite Everything
‘No matter where you come from, whatever little or vast resources you have, and whatever gifts you have, it is possible to change your situation’
From Miriam Mpaata- Boots don’t lie
“Nothing will stop you from winning” June Julian Karimi
” I must analyse myself, to see why I have missed the largely still empty boat-maybe I can still jump on board” John Mbiti
“One of the vital cultural elements in Africa is the proverb” John Mbiti
“Our nature is goodness. Yes, we do much that is bad, but our essential nature is good” Desmond Tutu
“Forgiveness is not weakness” Desmond Tutu
“What I am is God’s gift, what I become is my gift to God”
Poem by MELVIN BANGGOLLAY, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The author mentions the below in his poem. “It is how we used this body as an instrument to fulfill our own mission in this life through our own vocation, work or services we take is our gift to God. Everything we do in this life in the service to other people and to God is our own gift to the Almighty. Everything we do to the temple of God’s Kingdom, our body, determines the impact of our sense of being as a person in the eyes of God and men. Truly, if we wanted to be looked upon as a glittering diamond in the yes of God and men, we must live in righteousness upholding all the fundamental truth and wisdom of God as we relate with other people and as we serve with prudence sharing our life and services to others.”
I agree with the author. We as African Christian Authors, have been blessed with the gift of writing. We need to use this gift to fulfil God’s great commission and share the gospel in Africa and the nations of the world.
“We want education to be established in our country both for boys and girls.” Rev. Canon Ezekiel Apindi in Man With The Lion Heart by Peter Albert Indalo
” From the moment you give birth to your child, you are preparing them for that day when they will leave your house. So raise them intentionally. Make decisions that are intentional towards raising them into being a wonderful spouse, employer, team player, friend and parent that they will eventually be, when they leave your nest.” Esther Katende – Magezi,Decision Points -Memoirs of A Working Mother
” Treat your health as a choice motor vehicle. When all is said and done, in your latter years, be found at a “concours d’elegance” and not in a junk yard.” Jemimah Nzola, Gems Of Healthy Living- All Rounded Wellness
” Somebody big and strong has a hold of our lives, and provides us favourable weather to bloom and flourish under His care; no matter the weather, it is necessary for our growth.” Janice M. Lukyamuzi, Poems & Reflections – He Shelters Me
“You are not writing for everyone. You are not writing for all Muslims or all Kenyans. Your book might be rea by hundreds of thousands of people but everyone will experience it as an individual.” Paul Kisakye, On Writing: A Beginner’s Guide to the Craft. (2018)
“We will always have good reasons why we can’t do the uncomfortable things that help us grow. But think of the returns and rewards of going through the discomfort. Think of the losses of following the lazy voices: a little sleep a little slumber.” Beatrice Byemanzi, Powerful Living: Choosing God’s Word Everyday. (2017)
“Every believer needs truth. We are never too young or too old for truth. Every day is an opportunity to grow in the truth because truth is freedom. The more truth you have, the more freedom you will experience in your walk with God.” Beatrice Byemanzi, Build Your Arsenal: How Memorizing Scripture will empower and revolutionize your life. (2022)
“Friend,the things I have handled and touched, they are the things I will be sharing with you in this book.” David O. Oyedepo, Understanding Financial Prosperity. (2018)
“Sharing part of this story has released me from the bondage in which I lived for many years, not knowing that I would make it to the next week, feeling that I was never good enough and believing the lies that the enemy unselfishly deposited in my life to stop me from experiencing the true liberating love of Jesus Christ.” Catherine Bagyenda, Pieces of Me: Finding identity in God’s Amazing Grace. (2018).
“In these pages, you’ll not find the story of a powerful man wielding his influence to affect change by the strength of his will. I am only possible because God’s Spirit cleared a path so I might serve him whenever I step through doors He opens.” Benoni Mugarura Mutana, Unilkely. (2022)
“Today, I decided to start writing a book. I realize that God is teaching me several parenting lessons on a daily basis and if I do not keep a record of them for my daughters and son to learn from,then the lessons will die with me.” Esther Katende-Magezi, Decision Points:Memoirs of a Working Mother. (2020)
“I was thrilled to see the book in print and prayed that sharing my story would help others struggling with their own hardship, pain, and sorrow. I felt a deep sense of completion, as though I had come to the end of long journey. But I was wrong the publication was actually the beginning of a journey that has taken me around the world and put me on a spiritual path that I continue to follow and explore.”
Imaculee Ilibagiza, Left to Tell (2014)
“The history books tell us about explorers, despotic leaders, economic war, HIV and foreign policy, but they omit the voices of the people who lived through it. We are the keepers of these stories; they are ours to tell.” Philippa Namutebi Kabali-Kagwa, Flame and Song: A Memoir (2017)
“I was thrilled to see the book in print and prayed that sharing my story would help others struggling with their own hardship, pain, and sorrow. I felt a deep sense of completion, as though I had come to the end of long journey. But I was wrong the publication was actually the beginning of a journey that has taken me around the world and put me on a spiritual path that I continue to follow and explore.”
Imaculee Ilibagiza, Left to Tell (2014)
” Our stories – the mundane, the exciting, the jumbled up, the sequential and well- ordered, together form the treasure trove for the generations to come.”Kemirimo D. Okuja in Sculpted by Design
“In this digital age, we should leverage the benefits of technology to store all our stories so we do not subject the next generation to the same gaps in our history.”
Kemirimo D. Okuja in Sculpted by Design
” …success or failures is not your fate, it is in your hands. The choices you make, the values you espouse, the habits you embrace, the friends you keep, among others will determine your fate. Success does not just happen, it is made to happen.” Julius Mwebia Mugambi in Conceive Achieve for Teens – A Roadmap To Your Success by Adnah Mckenna & JUlius Mwebia
“I have a vision of a generation of debt-free people. People who are lenders, not borrowers: People who are such greatvstewards of God’s resources that He keeps channeling more their way. I see kingdom billionaires and millionaires all over Africa, blessing the poor, becoming a model for their governments, and starting Kingdom institutions and businesses that will change society.” Muriithi Wanjau in Exercising Your Way to Financial Fitness
“There is no where like home, when home is what God intended.” Simon Mbevi in Gideon’s Action – Praying Effectively For Our Families
“It is not easy to let your life be an open book, but if it will help someone get through what they are going through, and possibly understand that there is a bigger purpose, then by all means let my life be an open book.”Winnie Thuku in Broken To Be Made Whole
” There’s no better experience than the school of God. Once He is done fixing you, nothing can take away your confidence. You fly high, you love people, you know no barrier, you are like gold, fine like silver.” Winnie Thuku in Broken To Be Made Whole
” Writing a book is never easy. It involves more than just one person sitting on a table with a pen and paper or computer and putting forth their thoughts. Many people play different roles to get material like this together.” Forearmed- Insights on Sex, Love and Relationships by Michael Richard Katagaya
” A small, great book about Africa’s uniqueness ” Solomon Ajuna in Sculpted by Design by Kemirimo D. Okuja
The Drug Free Youth
“There are a lot of young authors with incredible works that do not see the light of day”
Mental Health Matters Anthology
“Social media marketing is now gold and if you can tap into it you can be a best selling author in no time”
Take P7 the greatest Love of All
“Do not limit or let other limit your imagination keep writing and you will become better at it every day”
His Beauty for My Ashes
“Self publishing is not spoken about enough and it does not garmer the appreciation it deserves”
My Daddy and Me
“Grow your own, if we love and promote our own first then the world will be at our door”
Genius is made not Born
“Genius is made not born”
” I cannot even envisage how I could possibly still be standing but I an here; free from pain and living my best life, being me and doing me; stepping into my place of significance and fulfilling God’s plan for my life.” ~ Pamela Babirukamu,
Beaten not Chrushed
” Going through adversity with God is a sure way of being on the winning side. no matter the outcomes.” ~ Pamela Babirukamu, Beaten not Chrushed.
” Throughout the years of adversity. I drew strength from the word of God that was hidden in my heart for such a time as this!”~ Pamela Babirukamu, Beaten not Chrushed