Dan Siwa Narrates Of The Painful Place From Where His Book Was Birthed

I am Dan Siwa ;by redemption, a ransomed sinner; by call, an encourager & a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord; By passion a faith writer, by profession a certified public accountant and by the grace of God, a family man. I fellowship with Deliverance church Embakasi, and is also an associate of Kenya Student Christian Fellowship (KSCF),Kiambu county associate team and a member of Pillars of Hope Evangelistic Team(PHET) in Siaya county.

I am an upcoming author, my current book is titled , ‘Racing with Horses,-Defying the odds’, “If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses? If you stumble and fall on open ground, what will you do in the thickets near the Jordan” — Jeremiah 12:5 NLT

Sometimes back in February 2019, I found myself wondering in a season where everything else seemed to have conspired against me. Everything I touched crumbled and I found myself stumbling on every step that I took. I lost my job, I lost friends, I nearly lost my marriage. The world around me was dark and the heavens went silent on me. No one seemed to understand me, I presumed.

As I wondered through the season of the desert, I met others who were going through a worse season than me.

My only solace was prayer and the word. Christ reminded me how he had been with me during my great times , why was I doubting his presence during my hard times? Then I came across the book of Daniel and as I was reading through, I got a revelation of the season of Daniel and his companions, how it may have been worse than mine.

So one day, Jeremiah 12:5 was revealed so strongly unto me, and I realized the joy and the promises of what lay ahead of me rather than what lay before me at the moment. The need of encouraging and strengthening the feeble feet, the broken hearts, the cast and struck down and the hopeless touched me. I thought to myself, how would l I assist them? That’s how the idea of the book was born. I began writing late 2020.

Writing my chapter one and four was tough. On various occasions, I discarded the blueprint of the book and began again and again but as I kept digesting and meditating on Jeremiah 12:5, the vision of the book became clear and clear. In 2021, I cleared the manuscript and to my amazement, my season started changing a day after I had submitted the manuscript to CLC. All fell into place.

Whether you are hard-pressed, perplexed, persecuted or struck down; no matter the odds that lay before you or any challenges, this book is for you! This book is a map for devotion, a manual for mentorship, a guide for training, a reminder to focus on what’s laid up before you.

Regardless of the race you are in and the odds stacked against you; you can break the barriers; you can outpace the horses! You can do the thing you thought you couldn’t do!

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1 year ago

Sounds a great read. Thanks for penning your story and not giving up. And wishing all the best

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