David Nsajja is my name, author of the book, “Shaping your Destiny by CAPTURING YOUR DEFINING MOMENTS.”
I am also the founding president of Advocates of Defining Moments (ADM) International – an organization that seeks to influence global change by helping people of all walks of life recognize and capture their defining moments.
I started building my Concept of Defining Moments in the year 2006; that is when I wrote the first bits of my book. I kept growing the concept until 2015 when I felt I was now ready to publish the book. But I didn’t have sufficient funds to publish it. So I shelved the book. Meanwhile I kept reviewing and broadening the Concept until May 2022 when I made a deliberate effort to have the book published. So the book was finally published in July 2022 but it is not until Jan 2023 that I came out strongly to publicize and make the book available on Market.
Part of my motivation to write this book was to give a piece of myself to humanity by offering them something that can influence them and even be passed down to generations.
I love inspiring people around me and all those that I come into contact with.
In my book I bring out the beauty and magnificent wealth hidden behind those transitional moments in our lives called DEFINING MOMENTS, when nature demands us to make a choice or stand for something.
The choice you make at the defining moment has the potential to influence the rest of your life either positively or negatively.
Losing one’s defining moment can be so agonizing, regrettable and life challenging because defining moments, like lightening, they strike once and instantly, and seldom do they strike again to the same person or people. So, they are either ‘deal makers’ or ‘deal breakers’.
In my experience, I have learned that many people miss their defining moments either because they are too busy to listen, or they are not keen enough to recognize and seize their magic moments.
There’s a lot more to this in this book, but all wrapped in the mystery of ‘Capturing your Defining Moments’. For example there are topics like: (1) The power of taking positive risks, (2) Defining Moments and Purposeful living, (3) Harnessing your Vision Defining Moments, (4) How to leave a Lasting Legacy, etc.
I believe, through forums like the CLC platform, the whole world will be impacted.
I can be reached through my social media handles as follows;
(Twitter :DavidNsajja (i.e. @David Nsajja)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-nsajja-83a87b265?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BsjyZYn4rReuCX0GsD6loxA%3D%3D
Current Book Outlets:
1). Aristoc Booklex (Jinja Rd., Kampala)
2). Uganda Bookshop, Kampala
3). Enjoy Christian Bookshop, Wangegeya, Kampala.
[…] David Calls On Individuals To Seize Their Defining Moments […]