My name is Elizabeth Adisa, I am a wife to one man, and a mother of one and others on board. I am a communications specialist, and an editor. I have been working in a publishing firm for the last 7years as an editor. I have produced many books with several titles receiving approval for use in schools by the Ministry of Education. Currently, I am a Communications and Advocacy Officer with FAWE KENYA.
I have loved writing since my university days and keeping journals was my thing until family and the baby happened… In fact, I have the A4 sized diaries that I faithfully updated from 2012-2019 with daily experiences…. It can translate into many books and expose me deeply if someone gets to read them…
I began writing articles about general stuff, relationships, family and faith on WordPress and later blogpost. These articles were engaging audiences on my Facebook page, where I would share and many would encourage me to keep writing. I later on created a page and would share weekly devotional on my page.
The writing of my first book, “My Purity Journal” was inspired by the journals I kept. I used to keep journals on my experiences and challenges as a single lady looking forward to marriage. I struggled with the fact that many of the unmarried were always reminded on how to hold on, but nobody telling us how to deal with the obvious desire and longing for sex.
Most mature singles are also seen as husband-and-wife snatchers and as such sidelined even in church functions. It can feel lonely when you are a senior youth who is still single and waiting on God. In the book I share my lows, my highs on choosing purity in this generation, and my own understanding of purity from Biblical perspective. I also shared about the purity pledge, wait, tears and eventual marrying a wonderful man after God’s heart.
I haven’t launched the book but I have printed some copies and shared with young girls in technical schools. I am thinking of how best to market the book. Currently, I have another title, 23 important questions every unmarried sister should ask. It’s on its final stages.
My passion has always been sisters in Christ who are mature and misunderstood in the church family and their struggles, as I identified with them. Aside from writing, i would like to walk with such groups for mentorship and accountability.