I’ve always loved writing. I remember writing from as early as primary school. Initially directed towards academics, I passionately wrote compositions and poems and would pass very well in both exams and creative circles.
Life came into play and I took to my other love, Medicine. The strains of figuring out life and circumstances drew me farther away from my pen (and sadly, my Bible).
I still identified as Christian but I did not quite fit into the description Christ laid out in His Word. I did not find “laying down my life for His sake” attractive. So I continued busying myself with work, love, family, friends… Anything but true obedience to God.
In 2020, that would change- forever.
My interpersonal and personal life became tumultuous, with flare ups of unresolved childhood trauma and relational misgivings from every corner. My employment contract had come to an end and COVID was still heavy in influence. I was uncertain of everything. In that year, everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
God used my mother as an instrument of my conversion and she recommended trying Jesus. I accepted because surely, there was nothing else I could trust in. I re-dedicated my life to Christ at the tail end of 2020 and gave Christ full rights to all aspects of my life.
While this did not stop things from getting worse, it grounded my spirit because I knew that He was firm and could not be shaken.
As He began healing me of my painful past memories, He brought back my will to write. He reminded me how much writing created avenues of expression and how He would love to be a part of that this time round.
He took me through a wilderness season in faith and this is where the 30 Days of Transparent Faith came up!
This book invites the believer into a 30 day meditation on faith and what it means to truly be open with our Lord. No hiding behind titles. No pretty words. Just raw hearts.
I’m thankful for the good work the Lord has started in me and where He is taking me. All honor to His name. Amen.
Post Views: 1,007
An interesting journey, and amazing that you loved writing from the very start
A remarkable journey in writing this piece. It’s such an eye opener despite the farther we move from God He has always a way to bring is back to His fold. Inspired by mum to give life to Christ is encouraging and COVID-19 inspired you to write this piece. Congratulations
Your writing journey is amazing. A realisation of how life had to take you to rock bottom for you to redefine your relationship with God. All good gifts come from God. In the midst of everything going wrong, you found purpose to write. A true picture of letting go and letting God. Keep up the good work Doc.