The Holy Spirit Literally Helped Me Write My Book – Apollo

My name is Apollo Kaggwa. A husband to one beauty and that beauty is a woman. Father to 5 kids (2 foster and 3 biological). Lead pastor at Christ Way Church in Uganda. We are in two worship locations and another coming up later this year.

I am a seasonal stand-up comedian, rapper, singer and drum player. I love matooke with g-nut source mixed with fish. Kenyans I know that’s a mystery. Try it and thank me later.

I didn’t know I would be an author. The passion to write invaded me in 2019 after several prompts from the Holy Spirit during my sermon preparations. Amazing revelations from God’s word kept on dropping in my mind and I realized I needed to put them in a series. Interestingly, some of these constant revelations were so in sync with my life story and the visions God had placed in my heart.
So, my book starts with my story- how I was born into a culture of poverty, low self esteem and failure but later I show how I broke free from it. I share in depth the role of God’s word in changing the destiny that my background had bequeathed me. Trust me when I tell you that without the word of God and the church culture that nurtured me, I wouldn’t be on a platform of authors.

Any how, after writing my fast chapter (which is actually my personal life story) I felt like I had won a gold medal! I excitedly told my friend Henry Muguluma- he is on this page- he gave me more tips on writing because he was already ahead of me in this thing and his advice pushed to me come up with the first draft of 6 chapters.

I was so fired up to write, that it took me three months to write including a three weeks work leave to just write. I remember leaving my bed at 4am excited to write stuff that was dropping in my mind. I also used to record audios of my self speaking out ideas that I felt the holy spirit was giving me on certain subjects in the book.

Truth is, knowing my self so well and my concentration levels, there was no way I could write this Amazing book without the help of the Holy Spirit. I love the fact that people have felt the Holy Spirit driving them along while reading LIMITLESS. My pastor- who wrote my book’s forward told me he read the draft on a plane and he couldn’t put it down. He said he felt the Holy Spirit speaking through out the book.

After the draft was completed, I tried to look for editors in town whom I thought were cool but after seeing their work, I realized I needed something more than they offered. Surprisingly, the person I needed to edit my book was an office mate. Henry my friend told me that Lena our colleague could edit my book so well and I went like… “our Lena?”. He answered in the affirmative.

I checked with Lena for details and found out that all along I was seated with a literature super star. Though she sounded expensive I was ready to try her and for the fact that she is white, my Ugandan thinking set in- white people are always smart . True to the general Ugandan thinking, I wasn’t disappointed. Lena did justice to my book. I feel she put it on an international standard that my other white friends asked whether I printed in America. I told them if you can’t go to America bring America to your self. Thanks Lena- she is on this page, I guess. Any how her touch gave LIMITLESS an excellent vibe.

I launched the book in November 2020 and up to now it’s still a best seller in some circles. Three churches have adopted it as a guiding tool for discipleship and youth inspiration. I really feel it’s such a great book for any one trying to redefine themselves away from labels put on them by society.

We are not what the outside world defines us to be, we are what God who is in us says we are. When your out side is locked, the key is on the inside. The power that resurrected Christ lives in the inside of us. I choose to be LIMITLESS.

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Israel Hirwa
Israel Hirwa
8 months ago

Loved reading the book.
Well done Pr Kaggwa.


[…] The Holy Spirit Literally Helped Me Write My Book – Apollo […]

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