How Journaling Jolted Me Into My Writing Career – Ethel

My name is Ethel Kimbowa, from Uganda and I have always enjoyed writing but within the confines of my personal journal. Last year had me stretched out of my comfort zone, when I joined the School of leadership under Worship Harvest Ministries where I enrolled for a course, at the end of which I was expected to publish a book!

Initially I underestimated the task but eventually realized that I would need to sacrifice a number of late-night hours, writing, re-writing and proof reading in order to complete the task at hand. It was not easy at all. As I started to type, the Holy Spirit started pouring out various scriptures and lessons that I had learned from my 20 year walk with him…
’My book was initially titled, ‘Champions Are Made of Steel’.

After submitting my draft, the school got back to me with some feedback some of which was, ‘the title could be better, they also commented on the book structure and Art work. I felt so discouraged and had to go back to the drawing board. The beauty in this story is that when God places something on your heart, he sends you help when you’re stuck…

God did this for me through my publisher Lena, she met me during this season, understood my vision, quickly grasped what I wanted to communicate and helped me bring life to my words. Together, we were able to re-structure the book into a format that was easy to read, flesh out the topics, re-design the cover and produce a magnificent piece in record time.

The book is entitled ‘Warrior’ and is a practical guide for every Christian soldier. For me, it is a beautiful discipleship tool that I want to share and encourage others with.
My social media handles are as follows;
Facebook-Ethel Kimbowa
Instagram-Ethel Kimbowa

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