Song of Solomon 5:16
“His mouth is most sweet, Yes, He is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, And this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!”
Many of us know the familiar hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” We all consider our Savior a great friend – but none of us have an exhaustive knowledge of the heights, depths, and breadth of His amazing friendship.
Consider just a few of the elements of Jesus’ loving relationship with you:
Lifetime Commitment: He has committed Himself to you as a friend for life, and beyond. This commitment is eternal; He will never leave you, no matter what you do. While earthly relationships may disappoint, the Lord Himself will never fail you.
Unfailing Openness: He remains open to you at all times. Jesus reveals as much about Himself as you desire to learn and are able to appreciate. He withholds nothing from you that you need to know about Him.
Daily Renewal of Love: He renews His loving overtures to you every day. Jesus understands and meets your deepest longings, and He remains attentive to your wants as well as your needs.
Jesus is an inspiring, comforting listener who hears every word you say and always provides the very best for you.
What kind of friend is Jesus? John 15:13 answers that question: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Jesus is the kind of friend who willingly laid down His life as payment for your sins – past, present, and future. Without complaint, He bore all your sorrows and suffering, pledging never to leave you nor forsake you (John 14:18).
Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24), walking by your side through every trial and joy.
Because Jesus gave Himself for all people, we His followers should give ourselves completely to Him (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God” (verse 20).
In Jesus, we find not only a Savior but a faithful and loving friend whose presence and commitment surpass all earthly relations