I wrote Musings on Life’s Snippets (July 2022) after two life-changing experiences where I encountered Jesus and was led to reflect on the spiritual nature of my life.
First, on 22 March 2017, I was awakened by the presence of Jesus in my room at 3am, where a voice within me said, “Lord, use me for your Glory”. This experience completely consumed my being and I started to see life through a new lens. Secondly, in June 2021 when I was heavily pregnant, I got hospitalized with blood clots, having contracted COVID-19 and found myself gasping for breath. It was there, on that hospital bed, that I encountered Jesus again, when I heard the comforting words “Jo, pray without ceasing”.
Every time I shared my testimonies, I was encouraged to put it down in writing and inspire more, and so the spirit led. This little book is written in a conversational style, as an attempt to share snippets from my life with the hope that readers will reflect on their day-to-day experiences and acknowledge their own everyday miracles, where the invisible hand of God is always at play.
In a way, Musings on My Journey to Motherhood (March 2023) was a natural next step. Similarly, I had been encouraged by others to share my experience to inspire others; but for years I didn’t feel able to, because of the sensitive nature around pregnancy loss. However, during lock-down and following a seventh pregnancy loss, I was hit by an unbearable surge of grief. Writing provided an opportunity to explore my feelings.
The book is a very personal journey where my faith was tested over and over, and yet, it is by faith that God sailed me through my lowest moments. My greatest desire is for this book to connect with and encourage others facing similar challenges of recurrent pregnancy loss, to keep the faith, for God in His wisdom, will carry them through. The book touches on the challenges of dealing with the ‘invisible pain’ of pregnancy loss and offers advice/tips on how to keep the faith.