Nakaya Shani’s Book Encourages Readers To Reach Out To God

I started writing in high school; my friends and i would compete to see who would produce the most interesting stories in our composition. I would shelve the writing after high school and got carried away by the busy schedule of this life.

I had a rough childhood and most of the times I would ask unanswered questions. In 2008, by a word from the Lord I started writing a book but I only had the title and wondered what the book would be about. In 2013, I went to further my studies a period during which I nearly had a mental breakdown. I visited a professional counsellor and she asked, ‘has it ever occurred to you that you are not the only one suffering? Maybe God made you pass through all this so that you would be an encouragement to others”,
I recalled most of those I met on the way and the Spirit of the four Lepers was put together; The four Lepers who sat at the city gates after being chased out due to their condition had the zeal to live despite all the set backs in life. This is the encouragement to all let nothing pull you down, reach out God, He is their to hold your hand.
Through it all, I thank God to have been nominated.
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Jane Wangeci
Jane Wangeci
2 years ago

Well done Shani. Your story is an encouragement to many. Amidst the rough childhood, the break down and many unanswered questions, you mastered the courage to do your book to the end. That, is awesome.

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