Lydia was seated on her bed reading her Bible on an ordinary August morning, oblivious of what she was about to hear and what would become her life from that day forward. Her son and nephew rushed into her bedroom. Her son was shouting, “Mum, there were two angels at the gate at night!” Her son was six years old at the time. He held her face and said, “I know the names of the two angels. They are called Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael.” The two boys went on to say that Angel Michael was at the right side of the gate and was holding his sword facing upwards, while angel Gabriel was on the left side of the gate and had his sword pointing downwards. She was amazed! How did they know the names of these two mighty archangels? Instantly, she realized that her son had had a supernatural encounter, together with his five-year-old cousin! This was the beginning of a series of incredible journeys with Jesus Christ. This book records their breathtaking trips to heaven and hell, their conversations with God the Father, their encounters with angels, relatives they met in heaven, and even the twenty-four elders who worship before the Throne of God all day and all night. These encounters will reveal to you how God is using children to bring home the simple truth that the Bible is the Word of God, heaven is real, and the only way to get there is through Jesus Christ, His Son.
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This book brings the truth of the Bible to light through the real-life experience of two children. It will help you believe in Christ with simplicity as a child. Read it!
Do you desire and encounter with Jesus? This is the book to read
Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
This is what I hear and see when I read this amazing heaven download!! That the Lord has this and more in store is truly a wonder of His amazing love for us!!
This book taught me that God is a Father and he absolutely desires to show us more of Himself. This book should be in every library EVERYWHERE
Life transforming, inspiring. This book demystifies the realities of heaven and hell. A must read.
A well written book about amazing testimonies of encounters with the Holy Trinity. Highly recommended!
Love it, love it, love it! Pastor Lydiah u deserve to win, this book is just wonderful,it’s my reference book, I’ve learnt so much
I couldn’t put the book down once I begun to read. Jesus captivated my heart.
This book is amazing it opened my spiritual eyes and made me hunger for more supernatural insight.
The first time I read this book, it was a confirmation that the spirit world is alive just like the physical. Its comforting to know that God still speaks with us through visions. I recommend this book to anyone seeking a closer deeper and most important a new view of God’s in depth love for us.
The book is a must read for all parents and their children especially teenagers and young adults. It teaches about heaven, the angels and above everything the power of salvation.
Powerful and yes live changing book
The best booking ever a partner selling g the book a must read for read for everyone
A journey with Christ made the biblical message of heaven and hell a tangible reality to me. It is simply written for both young and old to understand the critical message, with scriptural support of the extra-ordinary experiences of the two boys, Mungai and Mjala.
This book is for all ages , the children confirm the bible stories and experience as they narrate what happens on their visits to Heaven. The language used is very simple to understand for all ages . This is a good read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and relationship with Christ . It also a very good book for evangelism to people who understand the spiritual world – it will so easy for them to relate as the children narrate their visits and experiences.
I only ever hear good things about this book and I have never met anyone who read it that was disappointed by it!
Inspiring and a life changer!
What a life changing book!! Thank you for being such a blessing to this generation.
This book is a testament of the reality of God, heaven, hell, angels and demons.
Love it
This book has been a blessing to our children.
They have learnt soo much about heaven.
Amazing, inspiring, life changing book.
An amazing book which details the supernatural encounters two young boys had with Jesus.You won’t be able to put the book down once you start reading it. A great insight into the spirit realm backed up with scriptures!
This book is amazing. I’ve read it several times and never get enough. It’s captivating from the last page to the last.
An inspiring book that shows that God can speak to us through children and even use them to lead us to Him. Reminds me that the kingdom of God belongs to such as these…and that we ought to listen to them and remain as humble as they are.
It’s a great Holy Spirit inspired Book impacting & transforming teenegers lives & helping parents better parent their teenage children.

Pastor Lydia
Journeying with Christ brings the ultimate transformation! Congratulations Pastor Lydia.
I gave my life to Christ, just by reading people’s testimonials, and seeing how powerful God is,made me desite this new abundant and fulfilling life. Amen. Thank you Jesus
My whole family love and really enjoy these books, we started a reading culture just because of these amazing blessed books, my family is completely changed.. Amen
This book transformed my life. Thankyou Jesus for using Pastor Lydia
A transformative book that every Christian must read! For it encourages us that indeed the gospel is real and the spiritual realm is so real and evokes a personal need for an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus
Wonderfully written book. A must read for all; both young and old.
A transforming book
A Journey With Christ is a truly captivating book about two children’s real life encounters with Christ. Each adventure is packed with scripture backed lessons about God and the spiritual realms.
Inspired from heavenly encounters, the books are captivating and life changing.
This was a life-changing book for me and my family and we have never turned back after reading this book.Heaven is a place I would not want anyone to miss.I would Highly recommend this book to anyone with even the slightest doubt(both Christians and non Christians) with regards to the existence of heaven and hell.
Journey with Christ a life changing book that every person should read. It brings a close reality of heaven and hell.
This a really fascinating story showing the simplicity of the truth word of God that he uses the little onces as in this case the two boys.The book is an eye open spiritually interms of vision and dreams on how our God uses to communicate with us.
I thank God for being part of this end time revelation through this book.
Highly recommended
These books are too good. My children are amazed by them.
I could not put this book down when.i started reading it!!!
I made sure that I got my own copy later for me to remember the transformation I got.
I embarked on a journey to seek the Lord.
A journey with Christ was born in my life too.
This book should be in every shelf.
Thank you to the author.
A great read for all!!
This book is a heavenly read to say the least. It is a testament that Jesus is real, He is in our midst and that we must believe him. The experiences shared in this book will most definitely build or strengthen your faith in the supernatural
A journey with Christ book is a very inspiring book. I have had supernatural visitation through composing angelic songs awesome book I have my breakthroughs every time I re- read the book and off course when I use it as a pillow at night time. Thank you so much Pst Lydia Chola Waiyaki May our creator use you all the more.
A journey with Christ book is a very inspiring book. I have had supernatural visitation through composing angelic songs awesome book I have my breakthroughs every time I re- read the book and off course when I use it as a pillow at night time. Thank you so much Pst Lydia Chola Waiyaki May our creator use you all the more.
Life changing encounters, very well written.
The books are so exciting to read, I was bubbling through out, I couldn’t keep the book down.
What a life changing book!! Thank you for being such a blessing to this generation.
This book is a testament of the reality of God, heaven, hell, angels and demons.
Love it
The information packaged in this book is none like other, heavenly inspirational and eye catching desiring to more and more in reading the book. I have read it and encourage many to take time in reading for its life changing and heavenly destiny focused.
Amazing book! Life changing!!!
Educative and well written books
You will not put this book down once you start reading it.