The Ghastly Makungu Forest

Ghastly! Such a grim word. Yet, Makungu Forest is only best described by it. A description that makes it eerie, particularly because of the wild man who to some was imaginary and to others, real. A mystery for the reader to discover. The book offers an adventurous experience for the…

Breaking Free

A psychiatrist survivor lives to tell her mental health story in a candid and relatable manner. Angela Kamugasa Nsimbi, the author takes the reader on a journey that conveys the tough reality of managing a mental disorder as a mother to 5 children, a career woman, wife, journalist and now…

It Is Written

It is Written is a collection of poetic musings and poetry, sectioned into three and anchored on the pillar of Christ’s ultimate command for his bride; the love of our God, love of those around us, and love of ourselves. Filled with beautiful, yet messy thoughts and experiences on heartbreak,…

Moulding a Disciple

Moulding a Disciple is a book that combines real life illustrations and biblical teachings on how parents can help their children achieve good discipline for life anD Godliness, it also as EXPLORes the controversial question of using a rod to discipline your child. What three things can you do to…