Leadership & Life Lessons From David

The story of David is among the most familiar Bible events in that he went from being a shepherd tending to his father’s sheep to killing Goliath and becoming a King. From the grazing fields to the castle, he encountered many challenges, including defending his father’s sheep from the predators,…

The Leadership Ladder

This book discusses how one can leverage to be a cutting edge principled leader in various spheres of influence. Based on the author’s leadership experience it provides a framework of 10 action points you can take in order to become a results-driven leader who can successfully guide your teams and…

The Power of Believing

You have incredible power to change your life today. Only you can create your fate; only you can decide. The greatest obstacle any human being can face is their own doubts, fears and conditioned thoughts. You are not a product of your circumstances but a product of your decisions. Show…

Serving God With Understanding

In this masterpiece, Bishop Bondet explains why service is necessary and important in every sphere of life. Service is the master key to success. Service is the doorway to promotion. Service is the ladder to the top. Service is the principle of our Lord Jesus Jesus Christ,” like the Son…

Out of the Crowd

Ever thought about why some people have everything going for them while others have absolutely nothing to show for their honest and decent hard work? This book is a simply-written and easy to read collection of valuable guidelines that reveal the secrets that define outstanding people. In it are seven…

Another Fabulous Year

This book focuses on how to build and develop your TALENTS. It has a guideline and tasks that are easy to follow as you work on fulfilling your dreams. The following are the HIGHLIGHTS of each chapter: √ WHY you need to draft your wish list √ Mental CLARITY and…

Public Speaking & Body Language Skills

Fear and poor public speaking skills can shut down many opportunities for you! PUBLIC SPEAKING AND BODY LANGUAGE SKILLS-helps you understand why acquiring speaking and reading people skills make you influential, productive and be on demand. And it shows you: 1. How to overcome the fear of public speaking. 2.…