Pius Relieves Painful Memories Of His Childhood Through His Book ‘The Boy Who Believed’

My name is Pius Mithika (Alias Msaidizi). I am the author of the inspirational memoir, ‘The Boy Who Believed’.

I am an investment banker (leveraged finance) based in New York City. I was born and raised in a small village in Meru county. I have an unquenchable passion for inspirational speaking, transformational leadership, and personal development. This book is one of the many ways I have shared my enthusiasm for writing and telling inspirational stories. I am also the founder of Msaidizi Empowerment Initiatives, a nonprofit organization based in Kenya, focused on youth empowerment, education and mentorship.

I hold a Master of Science in Finance and Bachelor of Arts in Finance degrees from Michigan State University, USA.

Writing this book was one of the most trying moments of my life as I relived experiences and memories I never wished to remember. As you’ll see in the book, there are many of those painful experiences in details. However, there was no easier way of giving others a chance to believe the impossible is possible, without this vulnerability.

This book was published through Amazon and we recently made it available in Kenya, deliverable countrywide. This being my first book, there were a number of challenges a long the way, but I took them as lessons to use on my next book.

Let me introduce to you ‘The Boy Who Believed’

Pius was born in a normal family but at the age of 4 months, the parents separated leaving him with his father. The mother abandoned him and moved on where she got married elsewhere. At the age of 4 years his dad passed on leaving the young boy in the hands of a stepmother.

At 7 years, Pius is forced by his stepmother to leave his father’s home after a fallout, to be independent and carve out his own path to success. After his stepmother throws him out of her house, Pius traces his grandmother who could not support him to enroll to school due to economic situation as she was advanced in age and providing for herself was even a challenge.
At some point Pius is forced to look after himself as he begs neighbours to take him to school.

Fortunately, a good Samaritan offers to take him to school where he is enrolled in class 2 skipping nursery and class 1 ( interesting to read what happened here).

This opens a door for him to get the basic primary education which he dives into with unmatched resilience and determination.

After topping the district in KCPE, he secures the wings to fly scholarship but unfortunately another test comes his way as he has to produce his mother’s ID as part of the wings to fly documents requirements. His mother whom he had never known or seen refuses to surrender her ID citing she doesn’t want anything to do with the boy to protect her marriage in the new family. But through the intervention of teachers, she agrees to give out her ID on condition. ( This was the first time Pius met his mother, heartbreaking to read what transpired during their first meet)

To cut the long enthralling story short, he joins Ikuu high school though his dream school was Alliance boys. He scores an A- and goes abroad for his undergraduate degree at Michigan State University in America through a scholarship. He later attained his master’s degree in finance in the same university.

Today he has an admirable career in Wall Street, New York City in the US, and continues to inspire more young people to choose the hard right.

My social media handles are as follows;

Instagram: @msaidizi_ke
Facebook: @msaidizi ke
Twitter: @msaidizi_ke
LinkedIn: Pius Mithika

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[…] Pius Relieves Painful Memories Of His Childhood Through His Book ‘The Boy Who Believed’ […]

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