Samuel Irewolede Phillips Compares The Days Of Lot And Noah To The Times We Are Living Today

I am a gospel singer, songwriter, graphic designer, photographer, author and teacher of the Word. I have written hundreds of articles both on my personal website and an online African magazine that I co-publish with my wife.

I started writing at an early age and it has become what I do every day. As what you would probably call an introvert, I do a lot of thinking and imagining in my quiet space and much so when I was younger, since I had very few friends growing up.
I was introduced to Christian life and living, and also reading quite early in life by my late Pastor dad and retired classroom teacher mum. So, as expected in those days of one growing up as the son of a pastor and a teacher, one becomes the symbol of both godly living and intelligence that other kids can look up to. You just can’t escape being the one to answer most questions in Sunday school and the one expected to do better than everyone else in the classroom. There was quite some pressure to do better, and because I naturally love my quiet space, I fell in love with and also found comfort in being alone reading, and creating amazing stories and scenarios.

This created my first attempts at poetry and even scripting. It just made sense to write down what I envisioned in my mind. So, I started writing poems and acting in the children’s drama team and, as I grew older, I expanded into writing scripts for stage plays. At some point, I started directing those stage plays in church and other gatherings. I ended up becoming the Artistic Director of one of the most popular theatre troupes in the Polytechnic where I studied Mass Communication.

What later became the book “Like The Days of Noah and Lot” was just me articulating what I was being taught by the Lord. It was mostly notes and articles that I had gathered in the place of listening to the mind of God. Somehow, along the journey of putting in words the things I was being taught, I began to see how there is a mandate to actually help people see that we are in the days that Jesus called “the days of the Son of man” which He says will be like “the days of Noah and Lot” and how there are conscious and intentional decisions and choices that humans must make in order to be prepared for those days. It was from this realization that the book started to take its present form.

Also, I remember the promise that I made to my dad on the day he passed when I was fourteen years old. I promised that my first book was going to be dedicated to his memory. Almost thirty years later, this book was written and dedicated in fulfilment of my promise to him. That for me was beyond awesome.

My first published book titled “A People Called Afrika” was co-authored with my wife in 2019 and is available for purchase on Amazon.

About the book: Like The Days of Noah and Lot

My first solo publication titled: Like The Days of Noah and Lot – Living In The Days Before The Third World, was published in 2021 and the comments from those who have read it have been eye-opening for me as the writer.

Writing the book was a journey of discovery for me, in that the content of the book in itself was at first quite mysterious to me, especially how the thoughts and insights in it were not very conventional, intentionally so done by the Spirit of God to cut a clear path of the newness of thinking for me and for whoever comes across the book.

Historically speaking, the days of Noah and Lot are like every other day in our human existence.

However, because the words and realities surrounding those days spoken of by Christ were tied to the transitioning of the First World to the Second (pre-flood world to post-flood world), and also to how they mirror the coming transition from this Second World to the Third (the reality of the world that is to come), it becomes very important for every man to know and understand what the coming days on earth are going to be like. The Bible calls that much-anticipated epoch, the days of the Son of Man, and characterizes them by the activities of the people:
They were eating and drinking;
They were marrying and giving in marriage;
They were buying and selling;
They were building;
They were planting;
They were grinding;
and Homosexuality was on the increase. They simply were having fun until the “doors” of escape were shut and the flood and fire came and took them all away.

We are back to those days again and scriptures cannot be broken.

Currently, our world is in such dire need of help and it blesses the heart to know that there is a promise of saviors that shall arise out of Zion. So, there is hope.

Even though this book may not answer all the questions that are facing us as believers daily, it provides necessary insight and a glimpse into what the next transition will look like, the mindset needed by believers to overcome in these days and how they can thrive in the midst of today’s ungodly reality.

I am of a firm believer that the words and prophecies of scriptures have left the pages of the Bible and are right here with us in our daily life, on the streets, and at work and that is irrespective of whether we are aware of them or not or whether we are prepared for their manifestation or not. So, the question is, in the days of the Son of Man, how are you living?

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