My name is Joyce Kang’ang’i, My pen name is Joy Hope Kang’ang’i. I published my first book: “Choose to Forgive” in 2016, and i have published my second book titled “Rivers in the Desert”. Most of my writing is through inspiration and research. I am advancing my career in Psychology at the Presbyterian University of East Africa, PUEA and I see myself writing more inspirational and Psychological books in the future. I Am passionate about Christian Living especially at this time, when the world is full of all kinds of beliefs.
In October 2015,I went to Tanzania for the first time to pick some products for my business. I took a bus to and from Dar-es-Salam; it was such a long journey, but this also gave me a chance to reflect on my life so deeply. When I got back home, I couldn’t sleep well for a week! Throughout that week, i went to bed and woke up very tired. My mind was flooded with so much content, but I wouldn’t remember what the content was about in the morning.
At the end of that week, I attended a wedding in Meru and when the officiating Pastor was sharing the word, a strong conviction filled my heart to write-I didn’t know what I was to write about. On my way back after the wedding, the whole book unfolded before my eyes in a way I can’t explain in words. I saw it from the cover page, the chapters, content and the back page. I started writing on my notebook when I got home that night. When I went to bed, the content still filled my mind, but I slept much better, I could also remember the content when I woke up. I wrote the book in a Month!
I forwarded it to a friend for editing and proofreading. I didn’t have the funds to publish and so i waited for an year before it was published. In January 2016, i engaged a publisher and begun making installments for publication, the book was published in April 2016 and i launched the book in the same year.
What touched me most was the feedback I got from the people who read it, on how the book impacted their lives through their forgiveness journey. One man disclosed his plan to commit suicide, over an incidence he struggled to forgive. He said that he had seen someone reading the book in a bus and reached out to get a copy. He read it and chose to live! The book has guided me when faced with betrayal, anger and hurt.
The book tackles different area of forgiveness:
1.Forgiving oneself
2.Forgiving family and friends
3.Forgiving teachers, employers, business partners,
4.Forgiving life, sickness and death,
5. Breaking free and after forgiveness.
Thanks to Christian Literature Communications, l can now print the book on demand and I look forward to printing many more titles. I am very grateful to CLC!
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Just like your name, Joy Hope, your book brings about Joy and Hope in uncertain situations. May it turnaround many lives.
Forgiveness is so key in our lives and I love the way you have done your book. We are sailing on the same bought having done a book on Power of Forgiveness. Congratulations Joyce, may this book make your life to soar higher and higher