Kyoshaba Twinamasiko Tells Of The Tragic Loss Of Her Husband Through Her Book ‘Widows Wear Lipstick’

I started writing as a little child. I used to write short stories in my secondary school which would be pinned on the school notice board. I was in the writing club at some point.

When I got to university I started the habit of journaling my prayers. This was very fulfilling as I would look back and see answered prayer.

Fast forward in 2009, my perfect world came tumbling down. I had been happily married when suddenly my husband died in a car accident. I had a series of tragedies in that year.

I was shattered!

One of the ways I could keep myself sane was to write.

I journaled my journey of loss. Journaling was my coping mechanism. I found comfort in putting my tears on paper. After many years I tried to write a book on grief, loss and recovery in a memoir but I would get immobilized by my emotions…so I would start and stop. From 2014 I tried several times and failed.

In 2021 I decided it was time to get this book off my chest, yeah it had been on my chest all those years. Even after I remarried, I just wouldn’t keep this book out of my mind.

In order not to start and stop as had been the case previously, I enrolled for a six months writing course run by a Ugandan woman, I also got a coach and started my journey on the book.. Widows wear Lipstick ! I got friends to walk the journey with me.

So it’s taken me over one year of consistency putting this story together. Widows wear Lipstick is a memoir. The message in the book is navigating grief and finding meaning after loss.

I share my personal story, stories of other women who’ve lost spouses and information from literature on grief n recovery.

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[…] Kyoshaba Twinamasiko Tells Of The Tragic Loss Of Her Husband Through Her Book ‘Widows Wear Lip… […]

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