Meet 8 Year Old Audrey A Natural Lover of Art & Culture

My name is Audrey Spaulding. I am 8 years old, in 3rd grade. I was born in Kenya before my parents relocated to the United States when I was 8 months old. I have two siblings. Sonia my sister and Gavyn my younger brother. I am a natural lover of art and nature. I love drawing, playing piano, I do martial arts and writing short stories.

My writing journey began before I knew how to write or read. I would however draw some sketchy pictures and ask either of my parents or my sister to write my thoughts along my pictures to tell a story.

At the age of 5, during the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic, my Mother and Ms. Mercy were talking about my sisters book publishing and I thought that was a brilliant idea. I voiced my interest in wanting to write a book too. My Mother together with Ms. Mercy encouraged me. I was very excited and started writing on the same day! By God’s grace and the help of Heritage Kids, I was able to publish my first book this year.

Being a first time publisher, I was very critical of my work but I learnt to trust the publishers to do that for me. I had an illustrator who did an amazing job bringing my words and the illustrations to pictures for my readers.

My book is all about family and bonding. I made characters out of my own family having a good time at the beach. My book title is just that A Day at the Beach. Family is very important to me, being the first institution by God on earth. I love my family and I wanted to encourage family bonding time. I also wanted to encourage kids of my age to trust in their abilities, gifts and talents.

I have a series of books that I have written a total of 9. They are all featuring the main character and her family in the community involving different themes. I have one book that I recently started writing that is all about loving everyone. My brother has Autism and I want to use this to teach other kids how to be kind to all kids differently abled or otherwise. God created us all in his image.
When I grow up, I want to be an actress and continue in my writing and probably producing my own movies and novels. That’s what I think for now unless my vision takes a different direction.

Those are my parents Social media handles in case you want to follow on my writing journey.

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