Meet Coach Helen, Who Believes That To Move Forward , You Must Go Backwards

My name is Hellen Basemera Dande. I am a Transformational Coach and Speaker focusing on 360° Personal Development. I am passionate about seeing change in people and supporting them to achieve their full potential and live in their purpose.

God placed this book “3 2 1, Go” on my heart almost 10 years ago and that is when I began writing it.
I bought a notebook, wrote down the title of the book, it’s chapters and kept the book.

Two years ago when I joined the Harvest Institute Leadership programme, the graduating assignment was to write and publish a book. So, I searched for the notebook and resumed what the Lord had planted in me. It was a flawless journey considering that I was birthing what was already marinated in me just like a Bamboo tree.

“3 2 1, Go” just like the title insinuates is meant to jump start someone into action by identifying what it is that needs to be done and getting it done immediately.

I am a wife and mother of four blessed disciples Romeo, Michelle, Melanie and Elsa.
I can be found through my social media

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[…] Meet Coach Helen, Who Believes That To Move Forward , You Must Go Backwards […]

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