My Name is Pinnah Waithira Lidwaji. A wife, a mother and entrepreneur. Am a Corporate Trainer / Consultant in Debt and Financial management. A write, author and speaker.
My writing journey started way back in high school where I would scribble on note books. My friends helped shape my calling and passion back then, they used to come to me for advice. They would also tell me that I was gifted, given how I inspired and motivated them. This in a way gave me a sense of direction and added to the drive I felt inward.
Having grown up in a tough environment like most of us, where money was scarce, I learnt earlier on to be a fighter. I learnt to be a warrior. I learnt that for you to succeed you must fight for what you believe, the bible also tells us the just shall take it by force. And I was determined to fight for what I felt was rightfully mine. My calling in writing and speaking.
I cleared my secondary school education and while my parents sourced for funds for my university education, I read a book called ‘Be all you can be’ by John Maxwell. This changed my life. The book transformed me and allowed me to approach a CEO of a multimedia company where I hoped to start my own show. Armed with no paperwork, I dint even get an appointment when I went there so I decided to wait and catch him on his way to his lunch break. Sure, enough at around 12:30 he exited the gates and there I was with my many hand written notes explaining my goal. A dream was born and I got an appointment to see him the next day. The dream started. This is when I realized the power of a book and how it has the ability to transform.
My writing journey started shortly after. My goal was to write about a book that encourages people to fight for what they believe in because that was my struggle as well. I needed to fight so that I go back to school and be who I was meant to be through my gifts.
Every Day Warriors is a book about the everyday person that needs strength to wake up and fight every day!
My journey is long, but through training, I get to speak and write and live the dream God ordained for me. I still have a long way to go but one day I will have a chance to explain how he merged my gift with my experience as well my career line.
The book is a story about a lady called Bernice and how she inspired and motivated a then young girl into believing she that she had what it took to pursue more than she thought she was worth.
You can find me on my social media handles are
Facebook: pinnahwaithiralidwaji
FB page
pinnahwl/author and speaker