My journey of writing books was most unexpected. It began with a diary that I was keeping when our Lord Jesus started to visit my young son and nephew. I am an author & Associate Pastor. I thank the Lord as I have just completed my 10th book.
The Lord would visit my son and nephew in visions & dreams and the first time my son saw Jesus in his bedroom at night. Jesus had come with an angel who stood at the door with a sword that had fire on it. My son told me that when you see Jesus, you feel love & comfort. He said that Jesus shines! The description my son gave of Jesus is in the book of Revelation 1:12-16.
My son and nephew were also having visions, together. They both saw the glories of heaven and narrated this to me what they saw – worship in the throne room of God, angels, the 24 elders, mansions in heaven, the streets of gold, and many activities in heaven! They couldn’t stop telling me how much fun heaven is!
Their favorite place in heaven was and still is ‘the throne room’ where God the Father dwells. (Revelation chapter 4). They told me that they could not see God because He is covered in light! (Psalm 104:2). The children were also shown hell – the abode of the souls that rejected Christ. They saw fire, worms, and demons tormenting the people.
This book is an evangelism tool and a reminder that JESUS IS REAL. He is the way, the truth and the life. My life has never been the same again as we took this journey with the Lord Jesus. So, after the first book had been published, my son had a vision that I had written children’s books. He said to me “They were colorful books with pictures in them.” To be honest, I had put that in the back shelf until one evening the Lord spoke to me. He told me, “Colorful children’s books!”
I said, “What do I do Lord”? He answered, “Start, I will help you.
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FACEBOOK: Lydia Chola Waiyaki
YOUTUBE: Lydia Chola Waiyaki
LINKEDIN: Lydia Chola Waiyaki
INSTAGRAM: Journeys_with_Christ