Sophia Writes With A Focus On Spiritual Growth And Relatable Bible Application

My writing journey started with a desire in 2012 or even earlier, I didn’t get to start on my manuscript until 2015. There were many competing demands like work, school hence the delay.
I soon realized that while writing a book may not be the hardest thing to do, it was not as easy as I thought. After writing and thinking to myself that i had enough content for a book, it turned out to be just a few pages!
I actually didn’t publish the manuscript despite putting together content for a whole book. Was it wasted time? I don’t think so. I haven’t looked at it in years but I might and see if I turn it into a book or articles.
I finally published the book in September 2021. It took me almost 2 years but I finally did it! The book is titled: ‘Grow in Prayer & Hearing God’. It is a Bible study guide on prayer with space to journal your thoughts, prayers & God’s voice. The goal is to help readers grow deeper in fellowship with God and in hearing His voice.
My first company was worth KES 4million in assets and a working capital of KES 2million with 8 employees, well until God called me into ministry! The Lord allowed me to rise from the pangs of poverty and family abuse. I was doing well, my graphic design work on billboards, and i was the brand ambassador for mobile telephone company Samsung when the company first came to Kenya;
But all of a sudden i had nothing! no home, no company, and living in my car. For 8 months I went back to hell again, by this time, my parents had separated for good and I was the supportive pillar for my mother and my 3 siblings…
When God called me into ministry the fall of 2012, He first brought down that which I had built with my hands, and this you can find it in my book TRIAD-Three Dimensional Investments for Effective Results.
But because God will never receive anything built of man that is without the presence of His grace, God breaks down what you have built, because He wants you to build through the channel of His Grace.
After 8 months, God began to restore me, by  2015, the passion to write was ignited but not the the way I would have desired. My first book Principles of Personal Greatness was a 12 month teaching to my leaders in the church 2018 and 2019. It was first published in 2019.
This is where the writing began… I remember i had preached a sermon on one of our weekly services. The Holy Spirit led me to preach, when I was preaching the Holy Spirit whispered to me you will never preach here again, i would then be dismissed from preaching on that platform. But I had too many messages, where would i deposit the same?  This is how my writing begun! Since then, i have 38 books, with a goal of writing 300books.
My desire is to completely change our publishing industry to the point where authors benefit from their writing and secondly, creating a community of readers in our land. I run a publishing house that has helped scores of people publish their work. Together, with ACABA and CLC, I know we can build a ground unto which the future generation (and even present ) benefit from their writing.
The book speaks of certain principles that regardless of what changes around, certain things ought to remain constant all throughout your life. The place of your first encounter with God, ought to be a scar that remains present regardless of the changing situations. We can change but God doesn’t change thus, there are certain principles within us that ought to remain constant.
Let the goal of your writing be to change the hearts of men. Let whoever comes in contact with your book, becomes a transformed after the encounter.
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bernard maingi
2 years ago

Wow wow congratulations for writing in a such short period 38books and you want to do 300books. Wow am really challenged and I will up my game indeed.Thank you inspiring us

Jane Wangeci
Jane Wangeci
2 years ago

What a testimony. For sure, God’s ways are His own and for His Glory. True resilience and restoration. Keep going Sophia

Jane Wangeci
Jane Wangeci
2 years ago

This is such a powerful testimony. For sure, God’s ways are His own and for His Glory.

Patricia Henry
Patricia Henry
2 years ago

This is a blessing, God’s grace and provision manifested. May God.continue to insrease you.

Maria K
Maria K
2 years ago

Powerful testimony.

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