I am CPA Jane Wangeci, a mother, a wife, a farmer, an accountant and a poet. I pursued BCom (accounting option) from Egerton University, and at the same time completed my CPAK qualification. I am a member of AWAK (Association of Women Accountants of Kenya) and have over 12 years accounting and finance management experience.
I am a lover of books. My writing journey started way back in high school, where I would do some solo and choral verses for drama and music festivals. I loved these. I did my first script immediately after high school and later misplaced the exercise book. Sad. Later, upon joining campus, I found myself in drama club and still, had the opportunity to write scripts. Some of those scripts we performed during drama festivals and community functions; others I am still fine tuning them for the world.
Beauty under the sky and other poems is my first published book. Some of its contents were written as early as 2009 as a campus freshman. I thank God it’s seeing the light of day. Some of the challenges I faced along the way include burnout, time and trying to get a balance between work, family and writing.
I especially have a one-year-old baby whose sleeping patterns were not working in my favor, 7-year-old twins whose CBC homework looked like my job, a husband who on a daily basis asked on the book’s progress and a boss who used to set early morning meetings and expected targets to be met at all cost. I am a believer of goals and self-discipline and at that time, the test was on me. Would I give in to procrastination? Me? No.
On the other hand, I must confess that the favors that came with this journey were immense. First, I had 70% of the content ready and safe in an A4 exercise book. Second, family and friends supported me so much that every door I knocked, every phone call I made regarding the book was a success. Third, my publisher understood that I was green and guided me through. I would say, fourth, the greatest of all, God went ahead of me and straightened the paths.
More often, people ask me why poems? I am a lover of literature, culture, arts because I feel that the society has so much life to write about. My writing is inspired by many things. Nature, occasions, human behavior, relationships, God’s great craftsmanship, etc., I have a keen eye for happenings that take place in ordinary situations and for sure, I can easily scribble that down in a verse.
I hope people will enjoy the book and see the need to appreciate every good thing. As long as we are alive, there is so much beauty under the sky for us to savor. Life is beautiful, we only need to look keenly. I thank God for the talent, and the ACABA team for agreeing to have me here. I believe it’s a great opportunity to learn from others as we make the world a better place through literature. On social media, you can find me at:
Linked in;Â https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-wachira-829a2516a
Facebook page; ( Jane Wangeci – The Author) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082882747441
Facebook personal profile: https://www.facebook.com/janeauxw
I’m on Instagram as @janeauxw. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=b3fncpja16f1&utm_content=f1z3fdc
Firstly, well done Jane for getting this done despite your demanding schedule. Poetry requires an extra skill than just writting. I love that your poems talk about every day things and hence are beautifully relatable!