My name is David W. Mutisya. I’m born again and serving as an elder at Deliverance Church Donholm, Nairobi. I’m married to Livia and we have three children and a grandson. I resigned from corporate service to venture into business two years ago during the course of which I explored my potential as an author.
My passion for story writing intensified in secondary school. I was in Form 3 then. Our English teachers were so inspiring that by the time I got to form four I had a personal exercise book which I submitted my own compositions for marking on a weekly basis. I was always in the library searching for and reading Novels and Poetry books. I enjoyed reading British Author’s works like Shakespeare and African literature like Elechi Amadi’s “The Concubine” among others. From the time I left secondary school I would read anything written in English with a motive to also learn how to write it. It didn’t matter whether it was a book or a newspaper. This continued throughout my college and career life. All this while I hadn’t any inclination to write on any particular subject although I inwardly felt a conviction to write a story. I didn’t have any plot in mind, but on 26th September,2019 things changed. I gained some courage and embarked on my first manuscript (a memoir). For a technical reason (known by my editor Truphie who is one of us) it was not published.
Perhaps I would have gatecrashed into the public then, I thought the sensational memoir (as one of my friends put it) needed a more softer landing. The author needed to introduce himself to the readers in a different way. I wrote the story to demonstrate that opportunities will always present themselves to those determined to make it in life. They must let go of the past and pursue their dreams with an open mind. God in His way will bring the right people along their path to help them reach their destiny. I found the field for Christian motivational books crowded. I decided to package the same concepts in a series story. This is one of the most powerful means Christ used to teach men. At the end of the series I intended to enforce the right attitude towards life in all mankind. I endeavor to address discipline in childhood, education, dating and marriage, in-laws relationships, community influence as well as politics.
I’m persuaded that we are able to fix things ourselves without blaming anyone (dead or alive) for any misfortune and thus the title “I’ll Fix It Myself”.