My name is Hannah Nduta popularly known as Hannah Kagiri. I am a born-again Christian, a mother of four children though my eldest daughter passed on in the year 2014. I am married to Patrick Kagiri and we live in Thogoto, Kiambu County. Professionally, I am an educator and a professional counselor. I love children dearly, right from the time I was a student in secondary school to date, I have been a Sunday school teacher, I also serve in the Christian Education Committee at PCEA Kikuyu township church.
Field of dreams
My writing journey started way back in primary school. My splendid performance in the English language motivated me to pursue a degree course in English Literature at Kenyatta University. Reading widely enormously ignited in me a desire to put my experiences in writing. Any piece of writing I come across be it old newspapers, magazines, the bible and online stories is worth reading. Being a reserved lady, writing has been my number one way of venting out my deep emotions. In one of the chapters in my book ‘Shape your Destiny,’ I have penned down a tribute to my late father. He died in the year 2004 after a short illness. I was the one who was with him during the last moments of his life. His death dealt a big blow to me. He was the pillar of our family and an adorable father. I particularly adored him, he used to tell me that I was named after his sister who was never born. He would fondly call me ‘Gatuta witu’ translated to ‘Nduta my sister’. My father cherished education and he would even sell the family cattle to pay for our education. He educated the eleven of us without a regular job and no business.
Inspiration to write
‘Shape your Destiny’ was born out of my experience while teaching in high school and in my church. Teenage is a crisis stage in children. They struggle with establishing their identity, settling in their changing body, and fitting in their peers. It is a stage between childhood and adulthood that should be handled carefully, apart from the physical changes, there is the emotional and psychological aspect of their development that largely dictates their behavior at this level. Parents and guardians should endeavor to understand what informs their children’s behavior at this stage rather than react and scold them when they go astray. Creating time for them and maintaining good communication helps to mitigate challenges related to the adolescent stage.
My struggles in secondary school and how I dealt with them resonates with many young people today. One of my mentors who read my manuscript asked me to give her a copy of my book after I publish and that is how I got the courage to Publish ‘Shape your Destiny’.
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Instagram: @destinydrivers_ke