Margaret Abuktsa’s Writing Journey

My name is Margaret Abukutsa Vidolo. I am an author, mentor, resilience coach and civil engineer. I am married and have 2 daughters. I and my husband are founders and pastoring a church in Eldoret, The Maturity Centre. My writing journey began in 2015. I had just had my second brain tumor surgery in India, and this was my turn around moment in life because of two reasons.

First, we were all converged in India people from all walks of life seeking medical attention, meaning life had much more to it than good money, earthly wealth and big titles. Secondly this was my second God given chance after surviving my first surgery miraculously and that formed my WHY I started authoring the book” THE DIAMOND UNDERNEATH “. All of us face various crisis and adversities but how we choose to react in the furnace is the game changer; after all God in his word keeps talking about endurance. We must endure to the end to come out refined. This is why we must keep telling our stories.

However, along my writing journey I experienced a huge writing block until when I connected with a book coach who helped me have the book out July this year2021. I haven’t officially launched it, although it’s already in circulation.

You can find my book at the following outlets;
3. My social media handles,
Facebook: Margaret Abukutsa
Instagram: Margaret Abukutsa
You can also visit my website:
Book price Ksh.1500/=.Once you pay you, the book is shipped to you wherever you are.

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