Faith Nyokabi Mathenge’s Writing Journey

My calling to the ministry
My name is Faith Nyokabi Mathenge, a daughter of the Most High God, a teacher of God’s Word, trainer, mentor, and writer. I have been actively involved in church ministry since my high school days, and I also bless God that I have the privilege of advancing His Kingdom at KRA where I lead a team of trainers in Customs and Logistics studies.

My writing story dates back to year 1998 when I rededicated my life to Christ on my first day of high school. It was a divine moment orchestrated by God because as I walked into my new school with my parents leading the way, the conviction of God was so heavy on me that He wanted the whole of me and not just part of me. I responded to the Spirit’s urge- I stopped walking and in about a minute I whispered a prayer to God, surrendering my life to Him and committing to live for Him. That was the beginning of experiencing a growing and intimate relationship with God. On my birthday anniversary in form two, I made a prayer that I wanted to know my calling and God’s response to that prayer was almost immediate. He expressly revealed my calling which was in the ministry of His Word. God began to reveal His word to me and I couldn’t be silent anymore, I shared with friends in the Christian union fellowship, and the joy that arose from doing so was indescribable. Writing the messages that I receive in my quiet time became instrumental for me because I would share these messages with friends and family.

The urge to start writing
In 2015, I felt the urge to start blogging because I wanted more people to hear and be transformed by God’s word. As much as for many years I had been jotting down what God lay in my heart, I never considered myself a writer. In October 2019, I was going through the book of Deuteronomy and when I finished reading the book in November, I felt the urge to reread it. After finishing the second round of reading, I had a wish to progress to the book of Joshua but still I felt the Spirit of God prompting me to re-read Deuteronomy. This was not usual for me and so I asked God, “what is in this book?” The Spirit of God impressed strongly in my heart that God wanted me to record the lessons I had learnt from Deuteronomy in a book. I stuttered … “But God … I have never written a book … and I hear it is a lot of work … but ….” In my limited wisdom, I tried to convince God that the series of teachings communicated through my blog would serve the same purpose as a book. The blog had become my comfort zone and so for a while, I resisted the thoughts of writing a book.

In February 2020, I realized that I was delaying to obey God’s instruction of writing the book, and this was disobedience. I however, repented and embarked on my journey to authoring my first book ‘Taking Possession with Jesus’. From the day I said “Yes” to the Spirit’s instruction, I received divine grace to put down the lessons in about three and a half months. Henceforth, when I gave the selected friends the manuscript to read, their feedback was so encouraging about the timeliness of the lessons in their lives.

I bless God and I obey. Today, many lives are being transformed because I chose to say “Yes” to the Spirit’s leading. The book has also been a great evangelism tool at my workplace. Several colleagues have bought the book; it is stocked in our libraries in Nairobi and Mombasa, and it has opened doors for me to inspire others at the workplace using biblical principles.

To order the book, use the following platforms:

Facebook: Reflect on the Word


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