Pst. Jennifer Favor Mutinda’s Writing Journey

It all started by writing articles for a Magazine
My name is Pastor Jennifer Favor Kivandi. I thank God for enabling me to publish my work after a lot of writing and dropping it, going in another direction and coming back. Right from primary school, I loved writing whether composition, poems and even storytelling and I didn’t know it had an impact until one student in my class almost boxed me saying the teacher always favored me when it comes to composition writing.

After my secondary education (A levels) I enrolled in a journalism course with International Correspondence Schools which I finished well and I began to look for opportunities to express my writing. And since those days we only had either letters or physical visits, I landed the Triangle Magazine of the YMCA which I used to post my writing, and each article those days was paid 250 Kenya shillings. I either visited Nairobi for payment for payment or they sent it in form of a money telegram (I was then working as a Teacher in Makueni but untrained ). I wrote for them different articles until when I got married, and it became hard because I then moved to Nakuru after the wedding to join my husband. From that point I lost the interest because the first few days I did not have a job and went from one school to another looking for a job opportunity, the first month ended, the second month in June I got a job in a private school St . Columbus in Nakuru ( they changed the name later). I was already expectant and feeling so weak that I didn’t have energy left for writing because of going to school to teach and coming back. The worst happened when I got dizzy in class and fainted, I was instructed to finish up the marking and hand it over by 30th July that year- and that job ended there; they didn’t want to pay a pregnant woman who may be expecting payment when she takes maternity leave. That was the norm, those who got pregnant and had no problems could work until they get their babies and probably take unpaid leave.

Giving a chance to writing
I later started writing poems for Revival Springs Magazine, and one time they pronounced me a silver award (just a name, not a gift or present ). The interest started reviving when my two children had grown and they had started going to school. I also got busy with my business which required my attention. After I was dismissed from St. Columbus I looked for a place in Lanet secondary school which ended when I gave birth, and after that, I only taught in one more school.

During those teaching times, my tight schedule didn’t allow me to write and with the continuous marking of English lessons and exams. It is after my babies went to school while still doing business when I started writing. When I got my desktop computer, I had written a book on the ‘Power in Praise and Worship’ but the device crushed with it and I had nothing to do but to give up on it. I later wrote another book which is published now for the honour and glory of God. It’s titled “ You Are God’s Best Gifted And Most Powerful “ which was published in 2016 August.

After that, I took a break trying to figure out whether to continue writing or leave it for others. While in that dilemma I attended a book fair in Nairobi Westlands; where I met Mercy Muthoni whom we connected but by then I didn’t know or perceive it yet. We started communicating with her and I realized I still loved writing, I then began the journey of writing my second book on “Parenting Teenagers and Young Adults”. By 2019 I had begun writing ‘with zeal’. Last year I met with other Authors including James Karundu, my teacher whom we’d met in a course I was taking in Potential Development, and I had also attended his highlights in improving one’s goals and talents “harnessing your honey to make your money” this how I keep remembering him and told myself I will keep writing like these other writers.

My advice to authors
In 2020 at some point, I got off writing for some months again when I felt drained and bored because of staying at home and my business going down. It took a while but Mercy Muthoni again kept checking on me and another Pastor I had met in CLC Kenya who had even bought my book. I felt they also prayed for me and finally I concluded my book which is now in the publishing stage. What I can say to fellow writers, is that; writing like any other art/craft/talent/gift/passion/calling is God-ordained; it’s a purpose we should fulfill. Sometimes it can feel hard but Our Lord King and Savior is always willing to refresh us and grant us the grace to write and finish our writing, and there is no limit in how much God can use us if we are ready to be used of Him. It is a calling that leads to fulfilling our destiny. God didn’t put us here on earth for no apparent reason; you are called, you’re equipped, and you’re the apple of God’s eye. Finally, I want to encourage us with scriptures I treasure in (Philippians 4:4) Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice. 13: I can do all things (not one, not two, and that includes writing) in Christ who strengthens me. 19: He shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

Check my book on webstite:

My social media handles

Facebook is Jennifer Favor. I have put the book on Facebook under ‘Know Your Worth’.

Twitter handle is @mutindajenny

Linked in is

Jennifer Kivandi
Jabez Favor Enterprises|Cell Phone: +254720666102

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3 years ago

Congratulations!! Jennifer

Margaret N Gichuki
3 years ago

This is a true testimony of Jennifer, a very gifted lady, multitalented and sure of where she is headed in life. My dear friend, the future is greater and brighter for you. Sky is not even the limit 😂😆

Julie Sifuma Myers
Julie Sifuma Myers
3 years ago

Keep going girl you are destined for greatness

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