I am Gideon Nyakiongora, 73 years old, and a graduated from the University of Nairobi in the year 1974 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Literature. I was employed by the Income Tax Department of the Treasury and worked with them for 33 years until my retirement in the year 2006. After retirement, I had plenty of time to do something meaningful because, at the age of 58, I was still feeling energetic and I wanted to continue working. At Kenya Revenue Authority I was a manager from the early eighties and retired as a Senior Manager at the Domestic Taxes Department, Times Tower. The KRA bosses loved my work such that even after reaching my retirement period, they extended my stay with them for an extra three years to perform special tasks.
My dream to pursue journalism was shuttered
With free time in my hands, I set up a tax Consultancy which ran for almost 10 years before I called it to an end. Then I remembered what I had intended to do at the university; Journalism but the faculty had not been established at the University of Nairobi at the time and hence forcing me to join the faculty of arts. The main reason I wanted to study journalism was because of the encouragement I had from my English teacher by the name McClure who liked my English and made me the Editor in Chief of ‘Getembe’- the Kisii High School Magazine. I now, however, had time to pursue my career, that is writing. Indeed I had mastery over languages thought I was able to handle mathematical subjects like Economics and pass with great honours. I also did accounts. I considered God has gifted me because I could also serve as an accountant.
My progress in authorship
I started writing around 2011 and submitted the manuscript to the publishers for approval and publication but I was disappointed that while editors recommended my work for publication the bosses would turn them down and decline the publication. I felt frustrated to the extent that one member of one firm’s editorial team advised me privately to do self-publication and this is what I did and established my own publishing company known as Gdeon Wisdom Publishers and to date, I have published 11 books viz:
1.Set The Last Captives Free.
2.The Tale Of Innocent Imani.
3.Born To Die
4.Amazing Love
5.Why Jesus Christ
6.Mateka Wa Mwisho Wakombolewe
7.Hadithi Ya Imani Asiye Na Hatia
8.Kuzaliwa Ili Kufa
9.Mahaba Ya Kushangaza
10.Kwanini Ni Yesu Kristo
11.Omogano O’Imani Otari Na Mamocho.
Those are the books I have so far authored and published and they are in the market and in Nairobi there were some in TextbookCentre but all the English books are in Amazon.
Inside story of my book
The book “Why Jesus Christ” is about the Christian mission work I do under a ministry called ‘Come Back Home’ whose target is to arouse Christians to reach out to Muslims. It is because Muslims are also the harvest field which our Lord and Saviour, who has redeemed us from sin and made us coheirs with Him without paying the price.
The book is appealing not only to general nonbelievers to come to the faith but also to other faiths as well. This is why I have included Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainists, Confucianism in my appeal having studied something about their faiths. I am still writing and by the grace of God, I feel fully charged to continue.
Check my book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Gideon-Nyakiongora/e/B017RE2HNY?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000
Vote for my book here: https://africanauthors.net/nominee/why-jesus-christ/
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