Growing up, I loved writing, I used to enjoy being alone, and this would allow me have time to write about anything. I would write about myself, my family, my dreams, my future plans young as I was, I would write about food, what to eat how and when to eat, and a lot more, I loved singing also so I would sit down and write songs.
The book Engulfed in love- was birthed after I attended a leadership course in Uganda at Worship Harvest Institute. I was inspired to write a beautiful story about the Love of our Father towards mankind. I call it a beautiful story because as I was writing it, the story just flowed out of me. It took me about 3 weeks or less to put it down. Every time I put my mind to write, I would hear a leading to write about a certain topic. I was also inspired to share a little about my beautiful love story with my Heavenly Father.
It’s amazing how we look at God’s love and the love of man/people. I explained this in this beautiful book Engulfed in Love. I had actually never thought about love a certain way so deeply until I wrote this beautiful story.
I had many topics to write about, but I was drawn to this topic in particular. After writing this beautiful story, I shared it with my friends, my pastor, family. Excited as I was to share it, I had many who booked to have it even before I published it. Every single day I desire to be elevated to a higher and higher dimension in this because the deeper I go, the more I want.
After writing, I shared my content with my editor for proof reading, thereafter she gave me a go ahead to print out copies, this went well and the work was done perfectly well for me. I didn’t hustle with them at all. The first copies printed were already booked and they were delivered right away.
I had not used the social media handles to market it much, but the people who read the book marketed it. Am yet to have it on Amazon as I have friends abroad who booked it but because of that they have not yet received it. But for now, the book is available on:
This is the true love story