My profession and passion
I am a registered Professional Engineer practicing my trade in Kampala, Uganda. I have trained extensively in the field of engineering materials for road construction as well as the management of infrastructure projects. I am formally the Materials Specialist at the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and was the Head of the Quality Control Department during my tenure in the organization. My career spans over 13 years in various capacities in the engineering industry. I am passionate about mentoring young men to achieve their potential and offer counseling to those called to the marriage institution in conjunction with my dear wife. I am currently the Team Lead at Praus Group which offers solutions to engineering problems in the construction sector in Uganda. I worship at Watoto Church and live in Kira – Wakiso district with my wife Grace and our three beautiful girls.
My early life and the beginning of afflictions
I was always a special child, full of life and dreams and intelligent as well. But I was also stubborn and chaotic, always fighting furthermore coming up with excuses to evade punishment from the elders in my life. When I gave my life to Christ in 1995, there was a remarkable change in my life. I became more composed and even aced all my classes. I attribute every success to my new life of salvation. I excelled beyond many students even to feats of topping the country at ‘O’ level. Life was good, but all this began to disintegrate when strife and poverty hit the family I grew up in.
I started noticing variations in my moods and temperament at A’ level and this led to a loss of grip on my academics, something I had established my entire persona on. Notwithstanding, I didn’t forget the Lord as this was the real first time that I depended on Him for support and anchoring. I got the government scholarship to pursue Civil Engineering but I was very distressed having not aced the exams the way I had done at O’ level. Due to a combination of stressful circumstances and events, I found myself drifting into a depression and failing to keep up with school. I lost touch with reality and my health deteriorated sharply. At this point, I had to seek medical attention.
The doctor called it a bipolar disorder. Having seen a few of my family members battling with the same condition, I knew deep down that my fate was sealed. This is because all these relatives had lived precarious lives, way less than their intended potential in life. With all these, there was a ray of hope deep inside my heart, a hope that since I was the Lord’s and had given my life to Him, maybe then I would have a chance at normalcy in life and I decided to tap into that power. The power of the cross.
The journey has been tough but it has been bearable because I didn’t walk it alone. From a dead year at campus, multiple retakes, attempted suicide, to police cells, to loitering the streets of Lugazi town, to Butabika Hospital, to broken relationships, to doubts and massive insecurity, to weight gain challenges, to tears and lonely nights, to drowsiness and lethargy, to sleeping in work toilets, to ridicule and backbiting, fear and confusion, the list is endless. In all this, the Lord has been with me all the way.
In a reference, that is not what the Lord gives to those who stay steadfast in Him. He has re-written my story and I have scaled the heights as well during this period. I have restored my broken relationships, my marriage is stable and fulfilling, I am a leader at church, I am a respected Engineer in the workspace, having risen to the helm of the Quality Control Department at the Uganda National Roads Authority and become one of the most sought after Materials Specialists in the country, I have just completed my third master’s degree alongside over 20 additional courses and diplomas from world-renown universities such as Wharton, Maryland and Virginia as well as respected training divisions of FIDIC and Controls Group among others. I have traveled extensively to almost all continents of the inhabited earth and have a budding business empire of five engineering companies. I will add this as well, my net worth is quite impressive!
What! How could a man so broken and afflicted by mental illness achieve such in so short a time? I have no other way to explain this but Jesus! He is no respecter of persons. He is good and because He loves you so much, He has the authority to beat whatever mental illness or disorder that the enemy throws at you.
My call to author a book
Writing this book was the most painful and emotionally draining experience of my life so far. In a way, it was therapeutic but I can tell that I must have put away the manuscript a dozen times before picking it up over and over because I just could not take it reliving my past. Every time I picked up the computer to type, tears would start rolling as I remembered various aspects of my journey struggling with Bipolar. I would cry in pain and also cry in amazement of the goodness of the Lord to this far. Nonetheless, I persisted and reported to the writing-table every other day until the book took shape. So as you read the, please know that it is borne out of love for you. It has the potential to give you hope and encouragement in your life journey.
You see, I had settled into a comfortable life over the years. It had been more than 12 years since my previous breakdown. Everything was normal and I was progressing quite well in life. Well, I was managing the Bipolar condition with the lifestyle I describe in the book and all was good. My journey was clear of encumbrances until the Lord impressed it upon my heart to write my story.
For over six months, I resisted what the Lord was telling me to do. I didn’t want anything to do with my past. I had started a family and there was a lot at stake. The people with the potential for being affected by any societal backlash associated with opening up my life to the world were those closest to my heart; Grace and my precious girls. Nonetheless, whenever I would go to have my quiet time of prayer and study of His word, Jesus kept reminding me of how He had changed my life and how He needed others in similar situations to hear of what He had done for me. He desired for them to know Him as well and also tap into such a blessing. He told me of how ‘they’ also needed Him and how I could be a vessel to take this message of hope to ‘them’. I finally gave in when He told me to do it for His sake. I told Him I would pay the price and die to live again. So take in the Love of Jesus as you turn the pages of the book.
If you are struggling with mental illness in whatever form, the book was written with you in mind. Jesus loves you deeply and wants you to know that He cares for you no matter the circumstances around you. I pray that the narrative will enable you to see Him through the pages of the book and perhaps convict you enough to embrace Him as your Lord and Saviour. He has the power and authority to change your story!
About My book
In Search of Sanity is a tale of my journey to find meaning in life amidst a life-altering mental condition called Bipolar disorder. I open up candidly about the challenges I faced coping with the disorder but importantly give the hope I found in Christ during my journey to a productive life. Having studied in the topmost schools in Uganda and attained the highest honors and accolades, you would think that success was guaranteed. Then Bipolar hit and my entire life came to a crashing stop. You will find a holistic approach that included the use of medicine through Psychiatric help coupled with deep faith in God and family support. The book is full of light humor detailing well-crafted experiences of an African boy growing up in rural Uganda; and the pain and struggles of living with a mental condition. You will laugh and cry at the same time. But as you do, look out for the victory that could only have come from having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
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The Lord, the Lord! True to His word and overflowing with compassion for those that are His! He is good!