Daily Pursuit Vol 1

The Daily Pursuit is a 365-days devotional intended to provide a framework for your daily quiet time with God. It is meant to guide you on how to spend this time, in scripture, meditation and prayer. For each day, the devotional guide provides a summary of the chapter, a memory…

Love Bila Regrets

Bible Guidelines for Love and Relationships There is much confusion and regret concerning love and relationships in our day. In this volume, the authors lay down some foundational guidelines from the Bible to help you navigate the murky waters of dating. Pastors John Musyimi and Mark Ambundo address practical, everyday…

The Trail of Blood

The trail of blood explores the redemption process and what we were redeemed from the onset of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross.The book is based on expounding the events of Jesus Christ leading up to the Cross and what we were redeemed from. Aimed to…