Virgin In Body But Not In Heart – A Little About A Lot

A remarkable statement I heard a pastor make was that Lot was able to bring up virgins even in Sodom. This statement made me admire Lot in a sense for some time. However, after reading the entire account, one is left wondering how virgins girls could have done what they did to her father in the end. This leads us to wonder about the state of mind and heart of his daughters. A common pattern has been observed in numerous universities in Kenya. When they reach college, many children who were raised in Christian families with strong morality make a mess of their lives. The question we should pose in such situations is whether or not the children’s godly demeanour is genuine or merely superficial. Was the truth firmly established in their hearts? Another question we should ask ourselves is why we give body purity precedence over heart and mind purity. The Bible instructs us to safeguard our hearts with vigilance, for from it flow the issues of life. If we do not guard our hearts and allow the incorrect things to be planted within them, it is only a matter of time before we reap what we have sown. If we allow social media and other forms of media to implant harmful ideas in our children’s minds, we will eventually observe the consequences. Sodom had sown the wrong seed in Lot’s children. Even though they were virgins, their way of reasoning was extremely flawed. It was only a matter of time before this seed produced an undesirable crop. Unfortunately, Lot fell victim to this reality. We should pray and instruct our children so that they will comprehend the truth. The transformation must occur in their hearts and minds, so that even if they leave us, they will continue to uphold the values that we have instilled in them. When Jesus discussed adultery, he appeared to elevate the bar of the law. He tells the people that they have been told that adultery is committed if a man sleeps with a married woman, but he then informs them that adultery is also committed if a man looks at a woman lustfully. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for cleaning the exterior of the cup while the interior was unclean. He also refers to them as whitewashed tombs containing human remains. Jesus placed greater emphasis on our inner condition, the condition of our souls. What is contained within our souls will eventually manifest itself externally, whether it be the seed of God or the seed of the adversary.

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