From Kibra to the World
My name is Lillian Bosibori Bogonko but my author brand is Bosibori Bogonko, I use the name because I thought its time I own my African name. I recall my mother mentioning in my teenage years that I would one day value the African name more; I never believed her. This had seemed far from my reality, so I gently responded, hell to the no! But guess who was right? I digress.
I was born in Kisii, but grew up in Kibra mostly, a place that shaped a lot of how I view the world today. The long road from the stage where we alighted, made the journey home an opportunity to dream of a world beyond. Still, it’s on those streets that we were sharpened, and with a father like mine, it did not matter we were six, we all aligned to his vision.
Journey of rediscovering God
My book “Heart of Surrender” resulted from a journey of rediscovering God. Writing had always been a hobby for me having started with poetry in class six which I carried through to high school. I was the girl that would help the ladies tell their tales to the boys they admired from other schools. Those were fun times, traumatizing too, but we made it and that’s what counts.
Growing up I battled a lot and the environment I grew up in did not allow me to deal with the issues as a teenager. I had encountered a lot and always ran to God but he never seemed reachable. He remained in the text and never someone I could encounter. Going abroad allowed me through varied experiences to encounter a God that became my anchor and surprise, through pure bible conversations I met a God no one had ever shown me about. I remember the day I met the group that was to open me up to this chapter. I was at the mailbox and I remember telling God, my candle was fading and I was watching myself die and if he did not rescue me, I was done. As I walked to my condo, I met a couple of people carrying chairs to the clubhouse and upon inquiry, I learned it was a home church, and this group of friends fellowshipped together weekly. I asked if I could attend the following Sunday to seat and watch … I attended and never looked back.
First forward coming back into the country having to start from scratch, there were many tough days and nights. I had a lot of questions for God because I knew the potential I had but I struggled to go past a certain ceiling at the time. I tried looking for God in our churches but nothing worked. Nothing until I met my Leo (you need to read the book to understand) whose wisdom helped me navigate some of the most trying times in my life. But it’s the God I met in this season that I finally understood what the experience and encounter abroad had done for me. God was always in a neat box full of regulations and it was hard to reach him. But finally, I did, finally, I found liberty in God and that allowed me to rise above a lot of what had shackled me.
In the same season, I met women whose stories would bring many to tears. Women endure a lot. I watched as my agemates and seniors struggled to navigate the many roles they carry. Some losing themselves trying to live a life they could not sustain, others clinging to relationships that were drowning them faster than quicksand, whereas others, family dynamics, and career aspirations made for the unseen enemy of pain. A mixed bag you may call.
What about ‘Heart of Surrender’?
The title came from me asking God questions and reflecting on how he took me through the journey of centering me. It’s hard to explain except for one to walk the journey of allowing God to lead even when it’s hard and ridiculous and painful and even shameful. We all go through journeys the difference is I intentionally allowed God to take me through the miry clay. Through that and finally understanding that everything we pursue is all about finding our authentic self (as God intended us to be) in God to achieve our highest potential while expressing him, – what the heart wants became the title. However, once I finished writing that felt more like the sequel than the first book, thus Heart of Surrender title was born. The desire is to tell every woman`s story through the women in the book.
It’s simply written but I would buy it, that’s how much confidence I have in the story, given I’m more of a personal development book’s person. The publishing journey was not without challenges, but it`s how we learn. My prayer is that anyone who picks the book meets a side of God they have not known and it causes them to reflect.
Vote for my book here
Social media handles:
Twitter: @lilbogonko.
Facebook and LinkedIn: Lillian Bogonko
Instagram: Bosiboribogonko
Where to find the book: I can deliver or you can approach and writers guild bookshop. You can get the e-version on Amazon Heart of Surrender